Brief of Me

My Name is Abdul Haris, lot of my friend calling me "Joy"

Sorghum broom or whisk broom

As outsourcer we could help you to find commodity or producer of commodity as your demand, with best quality,competitive price,scedulled delivery time
We could provide you corn broom or whisk broom, broom made from sorghum fiber, we have several models and size of broom

Gum Rosin

Rosin, formerly called colophony or Greek pitch (Pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers, produced by heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. It is semi-transparent and varies in color from yellow to black. At room temperature rosin is brittle, but it melts at stove-top temperatures. It chiefly consists of different resin acids, especially abietic acid.
Rosin is an ingredient in printing inks, varnishes, adhesives (glues), soap, paper sizing, soda, soldering fluxes, and sealing wax.
Rosin can be used as a glazing agent in medicines and chewing gum. It is denoted by E number E915. A related glycerol ester (E445) can be used as an emulsifier in soft drinks. In pharmaceuticals, rosin forms an ingredient in several plasters and ointments.
In industry, rosin is the precursor to the flux used in soldering. The lead-tin solder commonly used in electronics has about 1% rosin as a flux core helping the molten metal flow and making a better connection by reducing the refractory solid oxide layer formed at the surface back to metal. It's frequently seen as the burnt or clear residue around new soldering.
A mixture of pitch and rosin is used to make a surface against which glass is polished when making optical components such as lenses.
Rosin is added in small quantities to traditional linseed oil/sand gap fillers, used in building work.
When mixed with waxes and oils, rosin is the main ingredient of mystic smoke, a gum which, when rubbed and suddenly stretched, appears to produce puffs of smoke from the finger tips.
Rosin is extensively used for its friction-increasing capacity in several fields:
• Players of bowed string instruments rub cakes or blocks of rosin on their bow hair so it can grip the strings and make them speak. Extra substances such as beeswax, gold, silver, tin, or meteoric iron are sometimes added to the rosin to modify its stiction/friction properties, and (disputably) the tone it produces.[citation needed] Powdered rosin is often applied to new hair, for example with a felt pad or cloth, to reduce the time taken in getting sufficient rosin onto the hair (for more see Bow (music).
• Violin rosin can be applied to the underside of bridges in other musical instruments, such as the Banjo and Banjolele, in order to prevent the bridge from moving during vigorous playing.
• Ballet and flamenco dancers sometimes rub their shoes in powdered rosin to reduce slippage before going on stage - it was at one time used in the same way in fencing and is still used as such by boxers.
• Gymnasts use it to improve grip.
• Applied onto the starting line of drag racing courses used to improve traction.
• Bull riders rub rosin on their rope and glove for additional grip.
• Baseball pitchers and ten-pin bowlers may have a small bag of powdered rosin nearby, to use on their throwing hand, for better control of the ball.
Rosin is the resinous constituent of the oleo-resin exuded by various species of pine, known in commerce as crude turpentine. The separation of the oleo-resin into the essential oil-spirit of turpentine and common rosin is effected by distillation in large copper stills. The essential oil is carried off at a temperature of between 100° and 160°C, leaving fluid rosin, which is run off through a tap at the bottom of the still, and purified by passing through straining wadding. Rosin varies in color, according to the age of the tree from which the turpentine is drawn and the degree of heat applied in distillation, from an opaque, almost pitch-black substance through grades of brown and yellow to an almost perfectly transparent colorless glassy mass. The commercial grades are numerous, ranging by letters from A, the darkest, to N, extra pale, superior to which are W, window glass, and WW, water white varieties, the latter having about three times the value of the common qualities.
Other sources of rosin include rosin (called tall oil rosin) obtained from the distillation of Crude Tall Oil (CTO). Crude Tall Oil is a by-product obtained from the kraft paper making process. Additionally rosin may be obtained from aged pine stumps. This type of rosin is typically called wood rosin. In this process, aged wood stumps are chipped and soaked in a solvent solution. The solvents are recovered along with the rosin, fatty acids, turpentine, and other constituents through distillation. In the United States, pine stumps of trees killed during the American Civil War were highly prized, but are now difficult to locate.[citation needed]
On a large scale, rosin is treated by destructive distillation for the production of rosin spirit, pinoline and rosin oil. The last enters into the composition of some of the solid lubricating greases, and is also used as an adulterant of other oils.
Rosin is brittle and friable, with a faint piny odor. It is typically a glassy solid, though some rosins will form crystals, especially when brought into solution.[1] The practical melting point varies with different specimens, some being semi-fluid at the temperature of boiling water, others melting at 100°C to 120°C. It is very flammable, burning with a smoky flame, so care should be taken when melting it. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene and chloroform. Rosin consists mainly of abietic acid, and combines with caustic alkalis to form salts (rosinates or pinates) that are known as rosin soaps. In addition to its extensive use in soap making, rosin is largely employed in making varnishes (including fine violin varnishes), sealing-wax and various adhesives. It is also used for preparing shoemakers' wax, as a flux for soldering metals, for pitching lager beer casks, for rosining the bows of musical instruments and numerous minor purposes.
Prolonged exposure to rosin fumes released during soldering can cause occupational asthma (formerly called colophony disease[2] in this context) in sensitive individuals, although it is not known which component of the fumes causes the problem.[3]
The type of rosin used for instruments is determined by the diameter of the strings. Generally this means that the larger the instrument is, the softer the rosin should be. For instance, double bass rosin is generally soft enough to be pliable with slow movements. A cake of bass rosin left in a single position for several months will show evidence of flow, especially in warmer weather.


Coco peat (cocopeat), also known as coir pith, coir fibre pith, coir dust, or simply coir, is made from coconut husks, which are byproducts of other industries that use coconuts. Raw coconuts are washed, heat-treated, screened and graded before being processed into coco peat products of various granularity and denseness, which are then used for horticultural and agricultural applications and as industrial absorbent.Usually shipped in the form of compressed bal es, briquettes, slabs or discs, the end user usually expands and aerates the compressed coco peat by the addition of water. A single kilogram of coco peat will expand to 15 litres of moist coco peat.Trichoderma is a naturally occurring fungus in coco peat; it works in symbiosis with plant roots to protect them from pathogenic fungi such as pythium. It is not present in sterilised coco peat. Trichoderma is also destroyed by Hydrogen Peroxide.
Our specification of our product :
Weight : ± 5,5 Kg
Fiber Content ( EC ) : <5%
Moisture Content ( MC ) : <20%
Measurement : 31x31x16.5 cm
Price : @ US$ 1.060/package of 4.6 Kg C&F Japan,
Main port

Cintaku Berkaca Pada Beningnya Air

My Novel....
…………Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai orang lain dan
kamu masih bisa tersenyum dan berkata
” aku turut berbahagia untukmu ”
Apabila cinta tidak bertemu bebaskan dirimu,
biarkan hatimu kembali ke alam bebas lagi.
kau mungkin menyadari, bahwa kamu menemukan
cinta dan kehilangannya, tapi ketika cinta itu mati
kamu tidak perlu mati bersama cinta itu.
1. Perkenalan
Langit kemerahan merah muda…saat mewarnai di hari yang cerah itu.
…permisi….diikuti tiga kali ketukan pintu, dari luar pintu kayu rumahku..dan selamat sore...selamat sore sebuah sapa menyentakan aku dan ibuku yang memang sedang menunggu kehadiran seseorang.
“..oh..anda datang..terimakasih..selamat datang di rumah kami,..kami memang sudah tunggu..” tuk..tuk..tuk..langkahnya diikuti oleh sebuah ketukan tongkat mengenai lantai rumah.
“…hati-hati..Moore..” Ibu mengingatkan orang itu yang bernama Moore..” ya, terimakasih ibu Shane..” sahut orang itu..”dimana anak anda nyonya Shane…apakah ia telah menunggu lama..?”.tanyanya…ah tidak apa-apa..”timpal ibu.
Aku mulai mendengar langkah dan suara mereka mendekatiku..”Sherryl..Sherryl..”begitu ibu memanggil namaku, “ini guru les mu bapak..moore telah datang”..seraya aku balikan badanku yang tengah menghadapi buku-buku braille dan tuk…tuk..tuk…terdengar suara kretekan sepatu melangkah sedikit kaku menyentuh lantai rumah “…selamat sore dan selamat datang bapak Moore..namaku Sherryl kau boleh memanggilku “Sher” saja kalau kau ingin lebih singkat”sebuah tangan mencoba meraba-raba badan dan muka moore yang berarti pertanda perkenalan juga. “.oh Tuhanku yang agung ternyata anak ini tuna netra juga….sama seperti aku..”dengum Moore dalam hatinya. “…ah..tidak usah panggil aku “bapak” terlalu formal terdengarnya..kilah Moore kepada mereka…panggil saja Moore agar lebih akrab begitu...dan aku tidak tampak tua bukan..??” Moore mulai memberanikan diri untuk dapat lebih akrab.
“…oh,.baiklah kalau begitu,…aku akan tinggalkan kalian berdua, dan kita harus memanfaatkan waktu secepatnya agar anda tidak pulang terlalu sore nanti..” ibu Shane mempersilahkan mereka berdua untuk segera melanjutkan les private.
“..baiklah mari kita mulai..”Moore mempersilahkan lalu kedua orang tersebut mulai mencari-cari tempat duduk masing-masing yang berposisi berhadap-hadapan pada sebuah meja kayu yang bundar .
Moore adalah seorang guru les private, dan masih kuliah di Universitas negeri terkemuka di negara kami penerima bea siswa seumur hidup atas kejeniusannya dan jasa-jasa sang ayahnya, ia mengalami kebutaan semenjak lahir, kedua orang tua nya adalah pegawai biro pemerintahan Negara, ayahnya seorang professor jenius yang hampir semua orang di kota tempat Moore tahu, ia tinggal seorang diri dan kadang bibi Metty datang menghampirinya,bibi Metty bekerja di sebuah restoran yang di sebuah tepi jalan besar kota itu, bibi Metty tinggal beberapa blok dari rumah Moore.
Sherryl dan Nyonya Shane adalah sebuah keluarga yang tinggal di pinggir kota, Sherryl adalah seorang siswa SMU ternama di kota itu,..ia dan ibunya banyak mewarisi kekayaan perusahaan tambang batu bara di sebuah negara bagian kami, ayahandanya yang telah meninggal pada sebuah kecelakaan mobil saat berlibur keluarga, Ibu dan anaknya selamat tetapi Sherryl mengalami kebutaan setahun yang lalu.
“…baiklah sherryl ..atau sher..begitulah hari ini untuk aljabarnya..sedikit susah tapi kau tidak boleh menyerah…terus dan terus berusaha..kamu sama seperti aku tapi kita harus yakin bisa,oke…!!” seru Moore kepada Sherryl menyemangati. “terimakasih..bapak..Moore..” tukas sherryl. “ eit…gak usah panggil aku bapak…panggil saja..”moore” cukup” ..kilah Moore kepada Sherryl. “baiklah..Moore..terimaksih dan selamat sore..”Moore berlalu dari ruangan belajar sherryl…tuk..tuk..tuk suara tongkat itu menyentuh lagi lantai kayu dan kursi yang ada didekatnya.
Sherryl mengalami kehilangan kepercayaan diri setelah kejadian yang menimpanya dan semenjak mengalami kebutaan itu,banyak beberapa temannya yang mulai enggan berteman dengan dia, Andy,Jones, Marry, Ann adalah segilintir dari teman-temannya yang masih setia berteman dengan Sherryl, padahal dulu begitu banyak sekali teman sebaya di sekolah itu ingin menjadi teman Sherryl, tidak heran hal itu karena siapa yang mengenal Sherryl dari keluarga ternama Damon Patrice Shane. be continued.... next session as here under :

2. First impression
3. Hari – hari yang menggugah
4. Perlindungan
5. Arti sahabat
6. I always beside you
7. Kekuatan seutuhnya ada dalam diri
8. Hari – hari yang cerah
9. Semua gembira
10. Hatiku berubah ungu..
11. Semua membenciku
12. Aku melukainya
13. Tak ada air mata untukmu
14. Kau tetap menjadi bayangan setiaku
15. Kebesaran hati
16. Aku salah…tapi aku mencintainya
17. Matakah jendela hatimu
18. Aku tetap menantimu
19. Aku pergi